Amen , Brother Osita reported the following:

I am super excited to forward the report from my Comrade in the actualization of God’s Big Vision and Mission.

Keneddy Abrotu reports:

In continuation of our efforts to train disciples who will make disciples that multiply, Bro Marshall Jonathan, Ayobami Sanniolu, and I (Abrotu Kennedy) were with the Church of Christ, Gusau, behind Sunny Bakery, Opposite Emir of Maradun's House, Awala Area, Tudun Wada, Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria.

The 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training was carried out between 5th -7th September 2023.

The Exposition of Matthew 28:18-20 exposed the participants to the relatively new concept of true discipleship and a better understanding of the passage. The Brutal Facts humbled them and opened their eyes to realise the number of “lostness” in Gusua, Zamfara State.

It was a fruitful exercise as we were able to train 48 participants, comprising 42 members and 6 non-members. At the deployment of the Relational Map, the 15 Seconds Testimony, Jesus' Story in 3 Circles, and Baptism Hammer, the members were excited as they saw a very simplified method of making disciples who multiply.

The brethren were motivated as we deployed Jesus' story in three circles and the baptism hammer to one of our prospects, Sister Elizabeth Barnabas, with Almighty God opening her heart to accept the gospel and was baptized. The brethren promise to go forth and continue the good work and use the training to change their lives and lead souls to Christ, to the glory of God.

Our faith was greatly challenged for greater service for the Master considering the present challenges in the state and the location of the congregation among a great population of Muslims.

The fire has been ignited in Gusua, Zamfara State. Please continue to commit the church and Sister Elizabeth Barnabas your prayers as we begin to deploy these tools in Gusua, Zamfara State, Nigeria.

Amen Brother Kennedy and the Team. This is great and exciting, keep it up for Jesus training the saved to win the lost. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .