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George Funk is married to Ria Funk and they have 4 children with 6 grandchildren. George is the founder, father figure and mentor for 3 ministries namely Gospel Chariot, Gospel Share and Gospel Care.

George has always been evangelistic but the last 10 years has seen George on a spiritual journey for more evangelistic truth and that has led George to planting disciple making and church planting movements instead of just planting a church, but rather churches being intentional in planting other churches and discipleship groups that multiply. As George explains that will now help those he is mentoring to move from Addition to Multiplication and focus on Jesus, Jesus and Jesus where one sees multiple generations and multiple streams of churches and disciples being made and that happens by multiplying disciples and churches everywhere.

“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”

— 2 Timothy 2:2

George also loves to exercise and runs the comrades marathon and competes in two Ironman events every year.