Amen , Brother Charles reported the following:

Nathan and I arrived Praia Island on March 6, 2023, at 1:00am. We met Carmem Lima a Brazilian citizen who has been in Cape Verde for almost 14 years. Carmem is a member of the Church of Christ in Brazil but because there is no Church of Christ in Cape Verde, she goes to attend church services at a Baptist Church. We also met Brian a missionary who just moved to Cape Verde two months ago. Brain and Carmem both go to the Baptist Church. So, they both Introduced us to Emanuel Monteiro who is the Pastor of the Baptist church. Emanual is one of the influential church leaders in Cape Verde.

Since this is our first trip, we expected only to have the first contact with people, make connection to plan future trips to Cape Verde to start the 4 fields training, However, its amazing to see how God is really working. When we met Emanuel, we briefly explained to him about our mission to Cape Verde and the plans we had for the 4 Field discipleship training. To our surprise, Emanual had contact with the 4 fields years ago on one of his trips to Nepal. So, he was very much interested such that he invited us to come to one of his training sessions to speak to his students about the 4 fields of which we did.

Everyone responded positively and we arranged for a two evenings face to face training. The training started today with 22 participants from 7 different local churches. We did the God’s Big Vision, Global & Local (Brutal facts). Will continue tomorrow on the God’s Big Vision its Personal and then do some simple tools in the Clear Path. The response from the participants was very positive and they were participative. Doors are now open for the 4 fields discipleship multiplication training program in Cape Verde. We will continue the other tools on zoom when we get back to Angola. Please pray for Cape Verde.

Amen Brother Charles and Nathan. Wow! This is so great and exciting seeing you brothers connecting to Cape Verde training the saved to win the lost and start small 3/3s groups that will multiply to being a church of Christ. Keep it up spreading across like wildfire for Jesus! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved. Praying for you all!