Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following


Brother George Akpabli has successfully completed the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training held in Lome, Togo, and has since returned home. After doing the Training for preachers and leaders in Lama Kara, northern Togo, those in the south also requested for the Training when they heard of the impact. Though people down south had, been Trained who were ready to Train the others, they were opposing them and calling them ‘Small Boy’.

After fixing date and postponing due to circumstances beyond our control, the Training finally happened this week by the grace of God. Brother George Akpabli was the Trainer, together with Brother Joseph Holonou of the Benin Bible College. There were 34 participants, being Preachers and Leaders who attended. They expressed their excitement and are fired up to use the Tools to make disciples who make other disciples. Let’s all pray for them for Multiplication.


The 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training at Sefwi Debiso, Bia West District in the Western North Region of Ghana. The Trainers were Charles Odoi, Isaac Boamah, from Central Bronx, NY, USA 🇺🇸 and Edward Boakye of Nsumia congregation in Accra. We took Edward along to mentor him on the road, since he’s been Trained and making the effort to Train others.

The Training was organized by Dr. Augustine Tawiah, the Member of Parliament for Bia West. He is a minister of the Gospel, and formerly the Principal of the Ghana Bible College for 12 years. He’s been my mentor and a close friend since the early 2,000s.

There were 31 participants from 7 congregations in the area who attended the Training. Though 12 congregations had agreed to attend. The participants were so excited that they gave numerous testimonies of how the Tools are going to help them achieve more in their forthcoming District Evangelism. Aside Brother Augustine corroborating the discoveries we made while we studied together, and also expressing his great excitement and appreciation, his former colleague at GIMPA, Professor Agormor, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to learn things he didn’t know before. In fact, when the Professor spoke, we all saw the character of the Ethiopian Eunuch during his encounter with Philip (Acts 8:26-39).

During the closing ceremony, Dr. Tawiah who had taken us on a tour of several educational facilities he had built in the area, announced the commencement of an MA Program in Ministry, focusing on Campus Ministry. He pleaded that we come and help the students with the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training to help them approach ministry as Disciples of Christ. Keep praying for more of the ‘Top Guns’ in the church to fall in love with the 4 Fields like Brother Augustine has done.


The 2 Weeks Intensive study in the Bible, also came to an end this afternoon. Solomon Mireku and Philip Hamenu did the last and final week.

The 21 Students were taken through the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training for 2 hours every evening. After the first week of Training, they took turns during the second week to practice the various Tools. They have a Project of forming a 3/3s Group of 12 members each and Train them to also make other disciples.

It’s our prayer that we see Baptisms among them as 7 of them are not members of the church. We also pray to see them making disciples who make more disciples in Ghana, Togo and Burkina Faso, since the location of the College was strategically chosen.

The Western North Team has since arrived in Kumasi by God’s grace, hoping to continue our journey to Accra tomorrow.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe 🌍 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.

Amen Charles. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved