Charles Odoi has reported the following

There have been 106 new Baptisms at Dapaong. Hurrayyyy

The Effectiveness of 4-1-1! The Ghana Teams are really on fire for the Master.

1. The Kara 4 Fields Discipleship Training was successful and participants went home extremely excited, having learned and practiced a simple but effective method of multiplying disciples for the Master.

Also, because our Master Jesus Christ kept going back to places He had already preached as a way of follow up, and Paul also imitated Him by visiting the new churches he had established (Acts 14:21-22) as a way of follow up to encourage the new believers, we chose to do same at Dapaong, where we’ve started 12 new congregations.

While Dr. George Akpabli continued the Training at Kara, with the help of 2 of the people we had Trained earlier - Gladstone and Laurent, I did a follow up in Dapaong with John Morkli and the rest of the Team - Emmanuel and Philip.

We visited 5 out of the 12 new churches due to the long distances between them. The excitement of these new brethren upon seeing us was just so encouraging. Our disappointment, however, was that, all the 12 congregations met to worship God on the first Sunday after our departure (February 13, 2022), but some waited on the second Sunday (February 20, 2022), without anyone coming over to worship with them until they had left. Apparently, due to the distances between them, by the time the assigned preachers got there from their first places of worship, the congregants had left after hours of waiting. Meanwhile, all these 4 places had people from the community visiting, who wanted to get baptized.

We therefore mounted a strategy to send students from the Bible college at Atakpame to them. This worked out successfully as all 12 congregations in this new area worshipped today, Sunday, February 27, 2022. The 12 congregations in Dapaong started with a membership of 291. As at today, there have been 106 additional Baptisms since it's inception 3 weeks ago, increasing their number to 397 - the power applying Matthew 28:18-20, through the 4-1-1 Tool!

2. On the other hand, the other Team that worked at Gomoa Fetteh, led by Solomon Mireku, ended their Training on Saturday with great excitement.

According to Solomon and Paul Ntem Maanoh, the participants were so excited as they spoke about how helpful the Training had been to them. Some confessed they had not been serious with Bible Study because they mostly didn't understand what they read. Others also said they didn't see the need to pray for others and how to engage the family and friends with the gospel. In all they expressed lots of excitement, having learned to live their lives as disciples of Jesus Christ and make other disciples for Him.

The excitement of the Team was that, the Group Managing Director, Mr. Fred Asare, left his busy schedules and joined his Staff for the entire 3-day duration of the Training, practicing some of the Tools with great interest and enthusiasm.

3. Meeting of the 2 Teams

As we returned from Dzodze, in the Volta Region, where we crossed the border and spent the night, the other Team was also returning from the Village of Hope campus at Gomoa Fetteh.

We both met at Solomon's house and exchanged feedback and debriefing of both Teams and planned our next couple of trips. We prayed together for ourselves, our families and all the Trainees and the new fields we have in Ghana, Togo and beyond.

Thanks for all involved in this great work for God and humanity.

Amen brother Charles. Amazing things happening. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.