Amen , Brother Charles reported the following:

After being on the road for such a long time, the Team thought it wise to retreat from all activities to seclude ourselves in Fasting, Prayer, Review our work in the past and Strategize for the coming year. Having seen the 2023 Goals for the Gospel Chariot and Gospel Share Missions, we also met to strategize on the Action Plan to achieve our portion of that Global Vision for 2023.

There were 23 participants - 17 Men and 6 came with their Wives, who also strategized on how they’ll Train other Women to use the 4 Fields Discipleship Tools to make Disciples who make other Disciples. The participants were as follows:

Greater Accra - 14

Volta Region - 5

Eastern Region - 2

Central Region - 1

Togo - 1

We arrived at late afternoon on Monday, December 05, 2022. We used the evening to Pray and continued Praying the following day, but with Fasting. We thanked God for all the travel mercies in the year, strong health for Trainers and their Families, more resources for our Sponsors, among others.

We reviewed our Trainings and considered areas of possible improvement. In our deliberations, going forward, we intentionally looked at the 2023 Goals and what figures Ghana and Togo can work hard and prayerfully to achieve. After careful consideration of our strengths and weaknesses, we came out with the following figures for Ghana and Togo:

1. We’ll share the Gospel with 200,000 people out of the global 500,000 2023 Goals

2. We’ll Train 10,000 Christians in the 4 Fields Discipleship out of the global 50,000 2023 Goals

3. We’ll start 400 new churches and 3/3s discipleship groups out of the global 1,000 2023 Goals

4. We’ll enter 2 out of the 10 new countries for the global 2023 Goals

5. We’ll encourage 300 L3 multiplication trainers out of the 1,000 global 2023 Goals.

After setting these Goals in the morning, we continued with the Fast and Prayed to commit our Goals to God. We then met in the evening of Day 2 to draw up Action Plans for each Goal. We realized that, to be able to achieve these Goals, the following Tools would be of great help when participants understood them better and implemented them more:

1. Relational Map

2. Generational Map

3. Three Thirds Method

4. Iron on Iron and


The Day 3 was used to Train participants on these Tools and how they can help us achieve our Goals when we use them Internationally. Brothers George Akpabli and Charles Odoi took turns to facilitate in the Training of these Tools as other participants were called to reproduce them.

We also empowered our Women to take up the Training of other Women with the 4 Fields Discipleship Tools. The Iron-on-Iron is a Tool we had not Trained nor Practiced. Brother George Trained the participants with it as I Facilitated for the Tool to be used on Solomon and Benjamin.

For the last day, we allowed participants to come out with Tools they find difficult to Train on. Many of them pointed to the Brutal Facts. Brother Solomon, the “Brutal Facts Professor,” took them through that.

During our Debriefing session, many of the participants said they had now understood the 3/3s Method better and the importance for that Tools. It was also the “Take home” for many, as almost everyone’s resolution was to create their own 3/3s Group. Brothers Solomon, George and I, were extremely excited as that was our major goal for planning the retreat.

We took turns to pray for the Boateng Family, they have provided this beautiful hotel (11 Rooms) fee of charge to use for the retreat and also helped with our Feeding. We also prayed for George Funk, Doc Turk and all others who sponsor our work in various ways. We prayed for the Women who dedicated themselves to serve us and thanked God for the successful surgery of Brother Joseph Molsak as we committed that of Brother Prince Ntow once again to God. We also prayed for Brother Samuel Dankyi Adjapong, who’s arm is hurting badly, but managed to join us on some of the days. These 3 preachers are our colleague Disciples Trainers.

Going forward, it’s our plan to replicate this with our other West African Teams, especially clarifying the Tools and guidance in personalizing the 2023 Goals for each country - Nigeria, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Mali and Mauritania. We also wish other Teams across the globe can do the same.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen the West Africa Team. Wow! This is really great and exciting. You looked Back, and now looking Forward for 2023. West Africa, the whole Africa and the World at large for Jesus ! Praying , Praying , and Praying ..! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.