Amen, Robert Hara has reported the following.

Praise the Lord that after finishing with Zambia, we were able to enter Malawi without any problem at the borders. Just after we entered Malawi, my Brother Lyman went on off for two weeks and joined by Br. Aubrey Malire, now working in Central Region of Malawi. We had our first Tent meeting which took place at Mtsindo Church Of Christ in Kasiya (Lilongwe) from 1st July to 3rd July. While on this place we had a one day Four Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training, encouragement work, crusade during evening hours where we were showing Jesus Film and preaching.

During this time over 2000 brethren from Lilongwe, Mchinji, Kasungu Dowa and Ntchisi Districts came to attend the first Tent meeting with the Gospel Chariot Missions Truck in conjunction with the Word Bible School after two years without doing it due to Covid 19 pandemic. There,we had 36 Souls being Baptized, 4 Souls Restored back to the Lord’s Church and 3 Prayer Requests. Indeed God is always good, we were able to meet our Dear Brothers and Sister whom we were missing since 2019. This meeting was attended by Traditional leaders (chiefs ), Evangeliststs, Church elders, and many people. The Chariot will still be working in Three places here in Kasiya this week with OPEN AIR Meetings. God bless you all who are involved in this work.

Amen Brothers . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.