India 4 fields

India 4 fields

Discovery Bible sword method

Report from my team Chittibabu

this week I conducted 4 field church multiplication training at kanumuru krishna district andra pradesh 15 senior preachers and pastors attended from surrounding villages i introduced 4 field multiplication training because they did not hear about 4 field training this is first time heard about 4 field training

we practiced bible lessons through sword method we learned many lessons about God, man, command and examples they all very excited through this method

i explained them about God's Big visson ,clear path and 12 tools

they said this is simple method to share the gospel and start new church thank you respected brother george funk and wayne funk and dayakar and all gsm family thanks for greet opporthnuty and your encouragement

please pray for my team

Wow this is powerful Chittibabu garu even your are getting old but encouraging many preachers and connecting very well

Never give up
