Praise God , Brother Dayakar reported the following:

October 16th & 17th full day youth camp.

Host by: Vijay kumar uncle

Bear valley bible institute & Tirupathii , Vidya Nagar church of Christ


I travelled to Thailand and met very powerful Trainer brother Charles Nii Odoi and had a great time with connecting with different church leaders after that both of us needs to travel to India for youth camp but unfortunately his visa not issued we felt very sad and we never give up hope in God and immediately I started travelled alone to India and safely reached on 16th early morning.

Day 1 Gospel share youth camp

We arrived in Tirupati and I was so excited seeing these young ones arriving from various parts of the regions very far distance. They were over 128 youth people from 25 congregations. I immediately remembered the extraordinary work Brother Vijay kumar is doing in Tirupati and started praying in my heart for multiplication. Under the theme of Making Disciples for Jesus Christ.

A wonderful camp with the youth It was touching experience to hear some youths saying it was a first time to be introduced to these tools and His Word to have an environment to learn and participate and to know that they are right people to be used by God for He is involving them into his VISION. This generation has a challenge of growing without prayer life and learn God's word. Please let’s pray for this generation that is exposed to lots of things, God's word can be a solution.

We started with prayer and songs after that we divided into groups each Tabel 5 people they are ready with notes and Drawings, charts.

No Teaching, No preaching

We were given more time to practice and practice, in each Tabel we clearly explained the 4 fields Training outline Lesson 1 and we touched 4 fields and Relational map and 3 circles and explained 3/3s card completely.

We asked each Table to come and explain the tools what they learnt and practice in the morning session. Almost all the Tabels came forward to practice and were given more time.

The young people are very much interested and very happy to connect with these simple tools to work effectively.

I can’t share this great news, the power of Tool 1 Relatinoal map after practicing, one young man ran onto the stage and he shared by writing 7 names saying that they are his close friends. So he explained that, before I seat and drink alcohol like we do regularly with my friends, now I am saved and my goal is to save my friends who are close to me but far from God. And immediately Vijay Kumar, my uncle asked the 128 youth to stand pray for this young man and his friends, my heart was touched and he told me that he will work hard to connect regularly to bring his friends.

Many many Response’s we got from the youth almost about 20 young girls said, “we will become trainers to train other girls with these simple tools.”

They all praticed with big charts and were involved with good activeness and shared to one another.

We appreciate my uncle Vijay Kumar’s hard work and effort in making disciples.

Kindly pray and pray !

Wow! Wow! Wow! This is really great and exciting seeing the Youth trained with the Simple tools to win the Lost. Amen, keep it up Brother Dayakar and your nicke Kumar being on fire for Jesus! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .