KENYA GOSPEL 4 FIELDS DISCIPLE MULTIPLICATION OUTREACH and the Lodwar Church leaders converged at Narong’or (Brown Field) Church for evangelism and disciple making sessions. Thanks to evangelists Kalale, and Richard whose efforts led us to the villages of Turkana. Turkana County is home for the Turkana

people, and with all climatic challenges they have determined to plant Baby Churches in partnership with Kenya Gospel Chariot Missions. Now that men of peace are ready to work with us, we’ll enter new spaces and villages. Let’s pray for the needs of the churches of Christ in this region, and the ones to be planted. These are food, and water - beside the Word of God.

The Lord is faithful to His work. This group started worship under a tree and now rejoices having a roof over their head. We are thrilled by the passion to work for God. It was great sharing the Introduction to God’s Big Vision and later the tools. Wow! Relational Map tool opened the eyes of participants to see what remains for them. They promised to share the sweet Jesus with their clan and villagers. The story of Jesus hit the hearts of Christians as they have been giving their stories without the story of Christ.

May the grace of the Lord continually be with His work in this new space. We’ll set for the next congregation near Kanan in Lodwar town.

Blessings, Tom Opondo

Amen and Praise God brother Tom and the Team for the wonderful work you all doing for the Lord, keep it up for Jesus . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .