KENYA GOSPEL CHARIOT AND SHARE MISSIONS OUTREACH was in Misida Church of Christ in Rangwe sub-county in Homa Bay County. It was a meeting that brought together nine congregations, and the attendance was 80 adults excluding children. Thanks to all speakers at the Gospel event.

These are congregations represented at the 2-day gospel meeting: Misida, Asumbi, Reru, Rariw, Osango, Ombek, Joshua Village, Nyang’iela and Kipingi. We acknowledge the partnership between these churches (Oyugis-West COC cluster) and the Kenya Gospel Chariot Missions.

The teachings topics were as follows: Who Are the Principalities, Giving towards God’s Cause Blesses, Be Reconciled with God, and Being Clothed by Jesus Christ. That was Sunday, September 8.

On Saturday, there was 4 Fields Disciple Making and Multiplying tools. Thanks to Gabriel, Lucas and myself for making it possible for our audience to get to know and practice these tools. These men and women went to their representative home churches with enough evangelistic tools to help them share the goodness of Christ to their communities. We gave out 100 Bibles for each congregation. That’s 900 Bibles for the 9 Baby Churches meeting in different regions of Oyugis West.

Thanks to all the choirs that trained hard to sing for the Lord. What a blessing to be part of this team.

God be glorified and praised for all His doings in our land.


Amen and praise God brother Tom for such a wonderful and amazing report for the work of God in your region, keep it up for Jesus ! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .