Amen , Brother Opondo reported the following:

Gods is good and great at the same time! It’s been wonderful working in the area of Awasi where a new Church of Christ is planted. Kobong’o Church of Christ has her first Sunday worship service on April 9, 2023 - it’s a date to remember and praise the Lord for all happenings. This is the outcome of Awasi Mission planned by Alara Church of Christ in partnership with Kenya Gospel Chariot and the 411 Church plant’s strategy. When faithful brethren come together for the purpose of planting another congregation it’s unstoppable.

I have reported that our 4 Fields Disciple Multiplication team keep expanding and everyone does something in the Lord’s vineyard. In our appreciation, the following preachers came to light: Jared Oriadho, Jannes Madilu, and Wilis Othim. I cannot forget the open willingness shown by Kobong’o community of Awasi.

In the four days set for Kobong’o residence, each was packed with lots of activities such as open air gospel meetings, door to door evangelism, 411 church training, and baptism. We are set to encourage Willis and Thomas to keep training on the 4 Fields disciple tools. As planned Nixon Diang’a, Greg Ochieng and Steve Austin were to be part of the big team for Kobong’o Church plant but they couldn’t make it due to emerging circumstances in their area. I’m praying for another opportunity to serve the Lord.

Yes, God is good! He has bought back 12 men and women by the blood of Christ. They now form the first members of Kobong’o Church of Christ, and may the Lord be with them as they serve him. That’s the first baptism in Kobong’o Church of Christ. It’s amazing to be part of new beginnings as it calls for more prayers, more support and more encouragement of new believers. We call on you and you to keep us in prayer for this Kingdom purpose of multiplying Churches and disciples.

Amen .

Amen Brother Opondo and the Team. This is great and exciting work happening across the regions winning the lost to train the saved. Praise God for the new souls added to the church. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .