KENYA GOSPEL CHARIOT MISSIONS entered Day 6 in carrying out community evangelism in Olekasasi A & B in Kajiado.

KENYA GOSPEL CHARIOT MISSIONS entered Day 6 in carrying out community evangelism in Olekasasi A & B in Kajiado.

What a blessed week with preachers drawn from both Kenya and Tanzania. In the mornings, we had evangelism and discipleship class, and in mid afternoon the trainees practice through door to door visit of houses. In total, people reached with the Gospel either in homes or by the roadside came to 225. And the open air preaching attracted not less than 70 in every meeting. For sure the Lord blessed His work and we are all grateful.

Thank you Lord at all times.

Blessings, Tom Opondo.

Amen and Praise God brother Tom for and the Team for the wonderful work you all doing for the Lord, keep it up for Jesus ! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .