Liberia 4fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication training /God Gave the Increase Mission May 31-June 2 Update.

Liberia 4fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication training /God Gave the Increase Mission May 31-June 2 Update.

Brother Choloplay had reported the following:

It is with gladness that I report to you on behalf of our evangelism team outreach and discipleship, multiplication training 3 days activities. This program took place at Tailemai Church of Christ in Tailemai Town, Lofa County, Northern Liberia West Africa.

The three days gospel activities brought together, women, men, and youth participants from four (4) local congregations in Lofa County and a Trainer from Gbarnga, Bong County, Lofa Road Church of Christ, specifically including our local leader or Timothy brother Kermue, and others Church Leaders.

We had a total baptism of 5 people, 1 male and 4 females. We did door-to-door community engagement while sharing the gospel and track distribution to 75 people, with a total attendance of 110 In training.

On the first day, we had a lesson topic: Several Reasons Why Must Trust God, Facilitated by Robert T. Choloplay upon arrival in the evening, coupled with prayers and worship.

The second day we had Fasting and prayer from 6 AM to 12noon and a training lesson on Discovery Bible Studies Sword Method and practice in small groups. The second lesson was The Raising of Children in the Way of God, both lessons were facilitated by Robert T. Choloplay doing the rest of the day.

On the third day, Brother Robert T. Choloplay facilitated on

God's Big Vision (from Genesis to Revelation it's Global) and other tools while allowing the group to practice more among themselves.

Above all else, my trip to Lofa from Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 2 was successful, and thanks to all who were involved and the God that created the means.

P.S. We were extended an invitation to continue to provide them with this enrichment training in their monthly joint meetings of the remaining congregations in the coming months.

Amen and Praise God brother for the wonderful work you all doing for the Lord, keep it up for Jesus training the saved and winning the lost. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .