Amen , Brother Osita reported the following:

I am super excited to forward the report of the training being done by my Comrades in the actualization of God’s Big Vision and Mission.

Ebenezer Tuffour reports:

Team Members at Church of Christ, Apo Congregation:

The resident preacher - Dominic Dakup and myself - Ebenezer Tuffour have been training the church members to appreciate the 4 Fields Discipleship and Chuch Multiplication Tools to assist them to make disciples who also make other disciples in simplicity and understanding.

The members, who numbered 115 adults were taking through "My 15 Seconds Testimony," and "Jesus' Story in 3 Circles" by my humbe self yesterday - the 13th of November, 2022. At the end of the training, during their take aways and question time, they were so excited about the tools and wondered why they have not known such simple tools in the church all these while. A lady, in her take away, was trilled by "Jesus' Story in 3 Circles," and said she was frightened about the situation in the "Broken World" and pleaded that all trainees should take the training seriously, by obeying the Lord's command to "Go and Make Disciples of All Nation!"

An elderly brother of the congregation, who previously was a member of Eckankar church, while sharing his take away on "Your 15 Seconds Testimony," expessed surprised that when he left Eckankar and became a member of the Lord's church, he used the tool of sharing his testimony in relation to his past life and experiences in the Eckankar. However, some members attacked and rediculed him, but said, he has taken a lot of inspiration from the training.

The members have already been taken through such tool as: Overview of the 5 Parts 4 Fields Discipleship & Chuch Multiplication Model, Exposition on Matthew 28: 18 - 20, God's Big Vision, Relational Map and the Person or House of Peace as well as the Brutal Facts.

The trainees are so excited to have been introduced to these tools to help make evangelism motivational and unresistable. Please, pray for us too.

Amen Brother Osita and the Team. Always great and exciting hearing reports that people are appreciating these tools and willing to be intentional to train and win others. Keep the fire lighting up 4 Jesus! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.