Ghana / Togo 4 Fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training.

Ghana / Togo 4 Fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training.

Praise God , Elder Solomon had reported the following:

2 Pt.3:9 "The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance".


Seven servants has reported a total of 27 baptisms from nine communities.

1. From Nsumia Brother Edward Boakye has sent this report that one soul was added to the kingdom through baptism after the story of Jesus was shared among 15 people.

Then on 31st another soul was also baptized at Dome Faase when he shared the Gospel with 6 people.

2. Brother Benjamin Siaw has also send this report from Lartebiokoshie in Accra that one soul obeyed the Gospel and was added to the kingdom through baptism on Sunday 10th December

3. From Sogakope in the Volta Region,

Edem Blasu has sent this report that 6 souls were baptized into the Kingdom on two different occasions,

11th and 17th December

4. Brother Job Tilabi has sent this report from Commet and Ashongman Estate both in Accra that a total of 5 souls were baptized into the Kingdom after the Gospel was shared with 157 people.

5. Solomon has also send a report that one soul was added to the kingdom through baptism at Dzorwulu in Accra

6. From Wenchi

Brother Collins is a new trainee on our platform for new trainees on Saturdays. He led his congregation in a campaign using the Jesus' Story in 3 Circles. After speaking to about 26 people daily for the week, 6 got baptized.

7. Volta Region on 31 December

In the Volta Region, the Abor congregation led by Emmanuel Addo, recorded 2 baptisms after 8 people had visited.

The Badzeme, congregation led by Brother John Morkli, also recorded 4 baptisms with 6 people visiting.

What else can we say

Than to say glory be to God for great things he has done.

Indeed 2023 has been a year of Harvest.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the kingdom through the collective efforts of the 4 fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training across the globe .

Amen Brethren for the great and exciting work. Praise God for the souls won to Christ and added to the Church . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .