31st October to 3rd November 2023

Praise God , Brother Arnold last week had reported the following:

The Dakar 4 Fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training started on time as scheduled on the 1st Day.

We had Gather led by brother George Danquah of Dakar congregation. There were rather a lot of prayer requests. This was followed by a short welcome address by brother Arnold Dzah, where he stated that some of the participants don’t lack the knowledge of the 4 Fields techniques but rather, the willingness to put into practice what the they learnt hence this is a revival to awaken them to obedience to the Master’s will.

Brother Charles Nii Odoi, the dynamic trainer took us through the sword method on Matthew 28. 18-20 as part of the devotion. Participants made interesting discoveries. This was immediately followed by the master planner, Dr. George Akpabli, making his exposé on Matthew 28. 18-20, revived and created the awareness of the necessity of being a disciple and making disciples. He laid emphasis on being obedient to Jesus' command.

Brother Charles took us through the Overview of the 4 Fields and explained the tools that can be used in each of the fields. In the absence of Elder Dr. Douglas Boateng, the GOD’S BIG VISION, Global (Genesis to Revelation) was taught by Brother Thompson Anum. Brother Charles took the floor again and brutalized the Brutal Facts. He made the participants sad as they saw that more than 99.9% of the population in Dakar are heading towards hell. He however assured the participants that their presence is to show us that we can end up redeeming at least 10% of the population who is far from God.

After this, brother Arnold Dzah showed how to prepare the ground in order to meet the challenges by introducing them to the Relational map which equally intrigued the participants.

Amen Senegalese and Ghanaian Brethren. This is great and exciting work on your first day of training. Keep it up being on fire for Jesus! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .