Amen, Duncan has reported the following

God continues to do wonders through 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training in Tanzania, Geita Region.

The Chariot crew arrived in Mavota on Monday. Upon arrival; it was raining hard, when it stopped raining, the crew got some help from the host to erect the tent in a market place. That followed by an open air preaching by elder Francis Wechesa.

Our host preachers got permission to allow us the pitch the tent in Mavota trading center which is 2km away from the Church of Christ building.

God provided a good place for the seminar because many people heard the gospel while in their shops and other businesses inculding those in the bars. We believe the seed was sown. We just continue to pray for the who makes it germinate to do so.⁷⁷

Yesterday Tuesday, we started with community evanglism(Door to door knocking) while inviting people to come for the Seminar. In the afternoon, we introduced the seminar with Exposition Matthew 28:18-20 casting God's Big Vision of the Great Commision before people. We also did 5 Parts/4 Field overview and then the Relational Map and Personal Story (15 Second Testimony) These were perfectly repreduced.

Today we started with reviewing the Personal Story/15 Second Testimony. After that, we did the 3 circles/Jesus' story and they too were well reproduced by the class. We ended the seminar with the Baptism Hammer and it hammered 4 souls, they accepted and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and baptism took place immediately.

That was Mavota, now we are moving to Rwenzewe for other three days of 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training and open air preaching. Keep us in prayers as we continue hitting roads for Christ. Claiming Africa for Christ.

Amen. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.

English ReportsGeorge Funk