Amen , Brother Bright reported the following:

I could echo Jesus’ words, “But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).

From my Local Congregation, Kafue Central Church of Christ I noticed that we have about 80 youths who only come to church on Sundays and go back home to wait for another Sunday to worship. The attendance number of Youths in the church has been decreasing drastically due to non-engaging programs for the youths. My Timothy (Stanley) and I planned to organize the youths and train them with the Simple 4 Fields Discipleship Tools.

During the previous two weeks, we begun visiting them in their homes and invited them to the scheduled training which we had on Saturday the 11th March 2023. Praise God, the response was overwhelming and we had 52 Youths in attendance. We shared with them our Vision, Mission, Objectives and context. We also named the Group as “411 YOUTHS FOR CHRIST !” Not only did we promise to train them about the Simple tools of Evangelism, Discipleship and Leadership, but we also encouraged them to have recreation and other Youths program that will supplement their spiritual growth and work for the Lord.

During the introduction, we helped the Youths understand how Jesus called his disciples to train them and before leaving he commissioned them to train others (Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 28:18-20). We then led them to understanding the Big Vision from Global, Local and to Personal. We ended in the empty field and they had a takeaway home Tool to practice which is the Relational Map to bring their fellow youths who are far from God to our next time training.

Keep us in prayers as we train these youths who have great potential to reach out the Lost and train the saved.

May the grace of God, the Love of Christ, and the intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit be with you all!

Amen Brother Bright. This is wonderful and exciting seeing the Youths engaged and trained with these Simple Tools. Keep on igniting them for the work of God and they will be of great influence to their peers in the community who are saved and far from God. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .