Amen , Bright has reported the following

I am excited to report that Brother Rodrick and Herbert are continually becoming zealous and grabbing any opportunity seen to train disciples the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Tools. And this time, they have extended to following disciples in their houses. Below is their report.

We are so delighted to report that we have concluded with the training at madam Miselo's family in Makangwe (lusaka province).

It was such a great privilege partnering with evangelist Herbert Mooya in training the Miselo's family. They became so interested with the 4field discipleship training after having amazing lessons just on the introduction in the sense that they had to request us to train them all the 12 simple tools.

By Gods grace we taught the family from introduction to the last tool which is tool #12 . We are proud to say the trainees are more than excited and wished we trained them a long time ago because the tools are very simple, biblical and reproducible. It was such an amazing and exciting moment to see how they were responding to the lessons, for example after we concluded with the first tool which is tool #1(Relation map) everyone was able to map out his or her own relational network and being able to realize and understand that its our responsibility to preach to those people we know who are far from God. By the time we were concluding with the last tool which is tool #12 they all managed to identify the gate keepers, person of peace and even started putting the the tools into practice by reaching out to the people they know already who are far from God. In an explicit way, I will say they all discovered that everyone can be a seed sower . Therefore we are thankful to you our trainer evangelist Bright Himakampa for equipping us with all the tools in the sense that we are able to train others who will also train others for the advancement of Gods kingdom. Above all we give God the glory and the honor.

Amen Bright, more especially Rodrick and Herbert for the great work. This is getting exciting and firing up by reaching out also to homes of Disciples and train them the Tools. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.