Entrenamiento Batesville Arkansas USA


El hermano Nestor comparte el entrenamiento con los jovenes de su congregacion:

"Hermanos que Dios les bendiga solo quiero compartir con ustedes que ya vamos en la herramienta 411 con los jóvenes de Batesville AR. Espero que todos esten bien Dios los bendiga.

Gracias Dios, a Nestor y a todos los involucrados por hacer discipulos que hagan discipulos.


Brother Nestor shares the training with the youth of his congregation:

"Brethren God bless you. Just want to share with you that we are already in the 411 tool with the young people of Batesville AR. I hope you are all well God bless you.

Thank God, Nestor and everyone involved for making disciples that make disciples.

George Funk