Iglesia de Cristo en Santa Ursula

Julio 8-10, 2022

Entrenamiento con Antonio Estevez y su equipo: Víctor Mora, Angeles Estevez y Lilian Estevez.

Gospel Share Missions: Los 4 Campos del Discipulado.

Entrenando a los salvos con herramientas de Evangelismo, Discipulado y Liderazgo, para ganar a los perdidos.

Gloria a Dios!

Orando por este entrenamiento

Church of Christ in Santa Ursula

July 8-10, 2022

Training with Antonio Estevez and his team: Víctor Mora, Angeles Estevez and Lilian Estevez.

Gospel Share Missions: The 4 Fields of Discipleship.

Training the saved with tools of Evangelism, Discipleship and Leadership, to win the lost.

Glory to God!

Praying for this training

George Funk