Entrenamiento con Francisco Ramírez.

Gospel Share Missions: Los 4 Campos del Discipulado.

Francisco comparte lo siguiente:

“Primer día de entrenamiento en casa del hermano René, invitó a sus suegros y a su cuñada y sobrinos. Ellos ya van a la iglesia, pero igual no me esperaba verlos tomando el entrenamiento”

Gloria a Dios!! Mientras se entrena a los salvos para ganar a los perdidos

Gracias Señor y a todos los involucrados.

Training with Francisco Ramírez.

Gospel Share Missions: The 4 Fields of Discipleship.

Francis shares the following:

“The first day of training at brother René's house, he invited his in-laws and his sister-in-law and nephews. They already go to church, but I still didn't expect to see them taking the training."

Glory to God!! While the saved are trained to win the lost

Thank you Lord and everyone involved.

George Funk