Abril 22, 2022

Gospel Share Missions: Entrenamiento con Jairo Antonio Quiroz de Los 4 Campos del Discipulado.

Ocotal zona sur, Jairo entrena los días viernes, hoy entrenaron la herramienta "los tres círculos".

Excelente! Entrenando a los salvos para ganar a los perdidos.

Gloria a Dios!

Gracias Señor y a todos los involucrados.

April 22, 2022

Gospel Share Missions: Training with Jairo Antonio Quiroz from The 4 Fields of Discipleship.

Ocotal south zone, Jairo trains on Fridays, today they trained the tool "the three circles".

Great! Training the saved to win the lost.

Glory to God!

Thank you Lord and everyone involved.

George Funk