Brother Charles had reported the following:

”Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went” (Acts‬ ‭8:4, NIV‬‬).

By the grace of God, my wife and I have been in Canada since the mid of August for 5 weeks vacation. I knew before traveling that it’s going to be a ‘Working Vacation’ (in the voice of Brother Osita Onuora).

The population of the Great Toronto Area (GRA) is 6.4M with only 3 congregations of the Lord’s church. Together, these congregations have about 250 members. The largest congregation with about 120 members, is mostly Ghanaian, started in 2018 when Brother Dan Owusu Asiamah led a group of Ghanaian preachers on a mission trip to Canada.

Naturally, my wife and I settled with the Ghanaian congregation, since I am one of the preachers who started it in 2018. The brethren were happy to see us and gave me the pulpit for all the Sundays we are to here, suggesting that I teach Church Discipline, since it’s their problem at the moment. But how can one be a Disciple without being Disciplined?

I’ve also been doing Small Group Discovery Bible Study, using the the Sword Method. So far, 2 Families have been reached with the Bible Study, and it’s my prayer they continue and expand it even after we have left.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to visit one of the congregations, Harding Avenue Church of Christ yesterday, September 8, 2024. After learning that their number had dwindled drastically after COVID-19, I introduced the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication as a way of helping to increase their numbers. The attendance was 18 yesterday.

The excitement was infectious as I introduced the 15 Seconds Testimony and the Relational Map, after brutalizing the Brutal Facts. Kindly keep them in your prayer as they have each promised to use their Relational Maps.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen and praise God , wow! Keep it up with good works for Jesus brother. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .