Liberia 4fields Discipleship and Multiplication Evangelism Outreach Activity in Lower Bong County, Central Liberia.

Liberia 4fields Discipleship and Multiplication Evangelism Outreach Activity in Lower Bong County, Central Liberia.

Brother Choloplay reported the following:

Glory to God, Brother Cooper had reported the following recently from Lower Bong County:" After teaching our brothers and sisters that have gone the way of the world, twenty of them give their lives to Christ through water Baptism." Amen, and many thanks to the team for a job well done. Keep up the good work and the Lord watches over your activity in that part of the country. Blessings my dear friend and brother.

Wow! Amen and praise God brethren for the wonderful work you are all doing for the Lord, keep it up for Jesus . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .